@article{35, author = {Alexander Myburg and Dario Grattapaglia and Gerald Tuskan and Uffe Hellsten and Richard Hayes and Jane Grimwood and Jerry Jenkins and Erika Lindquist and Hope Tice and Diane Bauer and David Goodstein and Inna Dubchak and Alexandre Poliakov and Eshchar Mizrachi and Anand Kullan and Steven Hussey and Desre Pinard and Karen van der Merwe and Pooja Singh and Ida van Jaarsveld and Orzenil Silva-Junior and Roberto Togawa and Marilia Pappas and Danielle Faria and Carolina Sansaloni and Cesar Petroli and Xiaohan Yang and Priya Ranjan and Timothy Tschaplinski and Chu-Yu Ye and Ting Li and Lieven Sterck and Kevin Vanneste and Florent Murat and Marçal Soler and Hélène San Clemente and Naijib Saidi and Hua Cassan-Wang and Christophe Dunand and Charles Hefer and Erich Bornberg-Bauer and Anna Kersting and Kelly Vining and Vindhya Amarasinghe and Martin Ranik and Sushma Naithani and Justin Elser and Alexander Boyd and Aaron Liston and Joseph Spatafora and Palitha Dharmwardhana and Rajani Raja and Christopher Sullivan and Elisson Romanel and Marcio Alves-Ferreira and Carsten Külheim and William Foley and Victor Carocha and Jorge Paiva and David Kudrna and Sergio Brommonschenkel and Giancarlo Pasquali and Margaret Byrne and Philippe Rigault and Josquin Tibbits and Antanas Spokevicius and Rebecca Jones and Dorothy Steane and René Vaillancourt and Brad Potts and Fourie Joubert and Kerrie Barry and Georgios Pappas and Steven Strauss and Pankaj Jaiswal and Jacqueline Grima-Pettenati and Jérôme Salse and Yves Van de Peer and Daniel Rokhsar and Jeremy Schmutz}, title = {The genome of Eucalyptus grandis.}, abstract = {Eucalypts are the world's most widely planted hardwood trees. Their outstanding diversity, adaptability and growth have made them a global renewable resource of fibre and energy. We sequenced and assembled >94% of the 640-megabase genome of Eucalyptus grandis. Of 36,376 predicted protein-coding genes, 34% occur in tandem duplications, the largest proportion thus far in plant genomes. Eucalyptus also shows the highest diversity of genes for specialized metabolites such as terpenes that act as chemical defence and provide unique pharmaceutical oils. Genome sequencing of the E. grandis sister species E. globulus and a set of inbred E. grandis tree genomes reveals dynamic genome evolution and hotspots of inbreeding depression. The E. grandis genome is the first reference for the eudicot order Myrtales and is placed here sister to the eurosids. This resource expands our understanding of the unique biology of large woody perennials and provides a powerful tool to accelerate comparative biology, breeding and biotechnology.}, year = {2014}, journal = {Nature}, volume = {510}, pages = {356-62}, month = {2014 Jun 19}, issn = {1476-4687}, url = {http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v510/n7505/full/nature13308.html}, doi = {10.1038/nature13308}, language = {eng}, }