@inbook{47, author = {Marcela Tello-Ruiz and Joshua Stein and Sharon Wei and Ken Youens-Clark and Pankaj Jaiswal and Doreen Ware}, title = {Gramene: A Resource for Comparative Analysis of Plants Genomes and Pathways.}, abstract = {Gramene is an integrated informatics resource for accessing, visualizing, and comparing plant genomes and biological pathways. Originally targeting grasses, Gramene has grown to host annotations for economically important and research model crops, including wheat, potato, tomato, banana, grape, poplar, and Chlamydomonas. Its strength derives from the application of a phylogenetic framework for genome comparison and the use of ontologies to integrate structural and functional annotation data. This chapter outlines system requirements for end users and database hosting, data types and basic navigation within Gramene, and provides examples of how to (1) view a phylogenetic tree for a family of transcription factors, (2) explore genetic variation in the orthologues of a gene with a known trait association, and (3) upload, visualize, and privately share end user data into a new genome browser track.Moreover, this is the first publication describing Gramene's new web interface-intended to provide a simplified portal to the most complete and up-to-date set of plant genome and pathway annotations.}, year = {2016}, journal = {Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.)}, volume = {1374}, pages = {141-63}, month = {2016}, issn = {1940-6029}, doi = {10.1007/978-1-4939-3167-5_7}, language = {eng}, }