@article{83, author = {Geraint Parry and Nicholas Provart and Siobhan Brady and Baris Uzilday and Multinational Committee}, title = {Current status of the multinational Arabidopsis community.}, abstract = {
The multinational Arabidopsis research community is highly collaborative and over the past thirty years these activities have been documented by the Multinational Arabidopsis Steering Committee (MASC). Here, we (a) highlight recent research advances made with the reference plant ; (b) provide summaries from recent reports submitted by MASC subcommittees, projects and resources associated with MASC and from MASC country representatives; and (c) initiate a call for ideas and foci for the "fourth decadal roadmap," which will advise and coordinate the global activities of the Arabidopsis research community.
}, year = {2020}, journal = {Plant Direct}, volume = {4}, pages = {e00248}, month = {2020 Jul}, issn = {2475-4455}, doi = {10.1002/pld3.248}, language = {eng}, }