02572nas a2200445 4500000000100000000000100001008004100002260001300043653001400056653001200070653002100082653002800103653002000131653001700151653003800168653004600206653003000252653002500282653002100307653001400328653001700342653001600359653002500375653002500400653001900425653002100444100002400465700001700489700002100506700001500527700001900542700001800561700002000579700002100599245007700620300001300697490000800710520139400718022001402112 2011 d c2011 Mar10aPhylogeny10aMyosins10aMultigene Family10aMolecular Sequence Data10aModels, Genetic10aGenes, Plant10aGene Expression Regulation, Plant10aGene Expression Regulation, Developmental10aGene Expression Profiling10aEvolution, Molecular10aCircadian Rhythm10aBryophyta10aBrachypodium10aArabidopsis10aAlternative Splicing10aTerminology as Topic10aRNA, Messenger10aProtein Isoforms1 aValera Peremyslov V1 aTodd Mockler1 aSergei Filichkin1 aSamuel Fox1 aPankaj Jaiswal1 aKira Makarova1 aEugene Koonin V1 aValerian Dolja V00aExpression, splicing, and evolution of the myosin gene family in plants. a1191-2040 v1553 aPlants possess two myosin classes, VIII and XI. The myosins XI are implicated in organelle transport, filamentous actin organization, and cell and plant growth. Due to the large size of myosin gene families, knowledge of these molecular motors remains patchy. Using deep transcriptome sequencing and bioinformatics, we systematically investigated myosin genes in two model plants, Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) and Brachypodium (Brachypodium distachyon). We improved myosin gene models and found that myosin genes undergo alternative splicing. We experimentally validated the gene models for Arabidopsis myosin XI-K, which plays the principal role in cell interior dynamics, as well as for its Brachypodium ortholog. We showed that the Arabidopsis gene dubbed HDK (for headless derivative of myosin XI-K), which emerged through a partial duplication of the XI-K gene, is developmentally regulated. A gene with similar architecture was also found in Brachypodium. Our analyses revealed two predominant patterns of myosin gene expression, namely pollen/stamen-specific and ubiquitous expression throughout the plant. We also found that several myosins XI can be rhythmically expressed. Phylogenetic reconstructions indicate that the last common ancestor of the angiosperms possessed two myosins VIII and five myosins XI, many of which underwent additional lineage-specific duplications. a1532-2548